3  Background

In this section, we briefly review the key concepts from theories of causality and cooperative game theory necessary to understand the Shapley-based model explanation literature.

3.1 Causality

Although explanation and causality may at first appear to be separate topics, they are highly intertwined. Miller (2018) reviews theories of explanation from the social sciences and demonstrates that notions of causality are central. While there are different philosophical theories of causality and frameworks for estimating causal effects, the XAI literature primarily leverages the formal model of causality introduced by Halpern and Pearl (see Halpern and Pearl (2005a) and Halpern and Pearl (2005b)).

Under this framework, questions are divided into three levels – referred to as the ladder of causality – each of which requires a different degree and type of causal information.

At the lowest level are “how” questions, which are associative and can be answered purely from observational data without any causal information. The second rung includes “what if’’ questions, which involve reasoning about the effects of interventions. These types of questions require either a randomized trial or assumptions about which variables are causally related. On the highest wrung are “would have” questions that involve reasoning about counterfactual scenarios, that is, what would have occurred had a different action been taken under identical circumstances. These types of questions require knowledge of the functional (i.e. mathematical) equations governing each relationship. Intuitively, counterfactual questions are distinct from interventional ones because knowing the outcome of the action taken changes our beliefs about the likely outcome of other actions under the same circumstances. A more rigorous exploration of these different levels and their differences can be found in Pearl (2009). However, we note that for model-level explanations, the distinction between interventional and counterfactual questions is functionally irrelevant as the model itself is sufficient to answer both types of questions.

In order to apply a causal perspective to Shapley-based model explanations, some familiarity with the formalisms from the causality literature is required. The remainder of this section introduces those formalisms in a limited way. For a more complete introduction to causal inference, see Pearl, Glymour, and Jewell (2016). An exhaustive treatment of the topic can be found in Pearl (2009).

The primary tool employed to answer “how” questions are conditional probabilities, which require no causal assumptions or additional information. For many practitioners, the lack of additional assumptions and an ability to forgo the complications involved in causal reasoning may be ideal. However, questions at this level are the least likely to align with an explainee’s target questions since human explanations typically involve “why” questions (Miller (2018)).

In order to address “what if” questions on the second rung of the ladder of causality, practitioners must provide information about the causal relationships between variables. However, since the true causal relationships governing natural processes is unknown, this information is better framed as a set of causal assumptions. These assumptions are encoded using a formalism called a graphical causal model (GCM), which consists of a set of nodes and edges (\(\mathcal{G} = (V, E)\)) that form a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The nodes of a GCM represent variables and each edge represents a causal relationship between the two variables. Just as importantly, a missing edge between two variables indicates the practitioner’s belief that no causal relationship exists.

A graphical causal model allows a practitioner – under certain conditions – to predict the effects of interventions from observational data. Observational data alone is insufficient because correlation between variables has two potential sources: either there is a causal relationship between the variables or there is an additional variable (called a confounder) that induces a spurious (i.e. non-causal) correlation (see Figure 3.2). To understand how to differentiate between the two, it is helpful to first understand how a GCM can be used to predict the dependencies between variables.

A graphical causal model is sufficient to determine how two variables are related in observational data corresponding to that GCM. Specifically, a GCM can indicate whether two variables are independent, independent conditional on other variables, dependent, or dependent conditional on other variables1. The simplest case are direct relationships, which indicate that two variables are unconditionally dependent. To assess implicit dependencies more generally, a GCM can be decomposed into a combination of three fundamental building blocks: chains, forks, and colliders (see Figure 3.1). Each of these building blocks implies a different set of dependencies, which can be expressed in terms of expectations over the random variables involved.

In a chain (Figure 3.1 (a)), four relationships can be deduced. There are three direct connections. It is also true that \(Y\) and \(X_1\) are independent, conditional on \(X_2\).

G X1 X1 X2 X2 X1->X2 Y Y X2->Y
(a) Chain
G X1 X1 X2 X2 X1->X2 Y Y X2->Y
(b) Fork
G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->Y
(c) Collider
Figure 3.1: Building Blocks of a Graphical Causal Model
  1. \((X_2, X_1)\) are dependent: \(E[X_2 | X_1] \neq E[X_2]\)
  2. \((Y, X_2)\) are dependent: \(E[Y|X_2] \neq E[Y]\)
  3. \((Y, X_1)\) are dependent: \(E[Y|X_1] \neq E[Y]\)
  4. \((Y, X_1)\) are independent, conditional on \(X_2\): \(E[Y|X_1, X_2] = E[Y|X_2]\)

In a fork Figure 3.1 (b), there is a variable \(X_1\) that is a common cause of the other two. In addition to the the relationships implied by the direct edges, we also have the following relationships:

  1. \((Y, X_2)\) are dependent: \(E[Y|X_2] \neq E[Y]\)
  2. \((Y, X_2\) are independent, conditional on \(X_1\): \(E[Y|X_1, X_2] = E[Y|X_1]\)

In a collider Figure 3.1 (c), there is a variable \(Y\) that is directly influenced by both of the other variables. Conditioning on a collider induces dependence between two otherwise-independent variables:

  1. \(X_1\) is independent of \(X_2\): \(E[X_1|X_2] = E[X_1]\)
  2. \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are dependent, conditional on \(Y\): \(E[X_1|X_2, Y] \neq E[X_1|Y]\)

Together, these building blocks can be used to construct a complete set of dependencies implied by a GCM. The next step is to be able to differentiate between causal and non-causal sources of dependence.

Spurious correlations can be identified by looking for “backdoor” paths between variables. In Figure 3.2, there is one direct relationship between \(X_1\) and \(Y\) and one backdoor path \((X_1 \leftarrow X_2 \rightarrow Y)\). Applying the rules above demonstrates how this path introduces additional non-causal dependence (correlation). A backdoor path can be closed in two ways: conditioning and colliders. The path \(X_1 \rightarrow X_2 \rightarrow Y\) is a chain and therefore (using the rules from earlier) conditioning on \(X_2\) makes \(X_1\) and \(Y\) independent, effectively “closing” that backdoor path. If there is a collider along a backdoor path, then that path is closed and conditioning on the collider has the negative consequence of opening the backdoor path. When there exists a set of variables \(\mathbf{Z}\) that close all backdoor paths between a pair of variables (e.g. \((X_1, Y)\)), the backdoor criterion (Pearl (2009)) is satisfied and the interventional effect of \(X_1\) on \(Y\) can be estimated. However, the set of variables \(\mathbf{Z}\) may not exist, meaning that the desired interventional quantity is not identifiable from observational data alone.

G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->X1 X2->Y
Figure 3.2: Confounding in a Graphical Causal Model

Intervening on a variable is equivalent to forcing it to take on some value irrespective of the other factors that would typically influence it. Graphically, this is equivalent to removing all of the incoming edges to the variable. For example, an intervention on \(X_1\) in Figure 3.3 (a) can be represented graphically by removing the edge \((X_1, X_2)\). Importantly, the graphs in Figure 3.3 (a) and Figure 3.3 (b) imply different sets of dependencies, which demonstrates a more general point that an interventional conditional distribution is not always equivalent to the corresponding observational conditional distribution. Notationally, the do-operator (Pearl (2009)) is used to differentiate between expectations over these two types of distributions: \(E[Y=y | do(X_1=x_1)] \neq E[Y=y | X_1=x_1]\). To estimate the interventional effect of \(X_1\) on \(Y\), we condition on \(X_2\), which closes the only backdoor path \(X_1 \leftarrow X_2 \rightarrow Y\), and therefore satisfies the backdoor criterion.

\[\begin{align} P(Y = y | do(X_1=x_1) &= \sum_z P(Y=y | X_1=x_1, X_2 = x_2)P(X_2=x_2) \\ E[y| do(x_1)] &= \sum_{x_2} E[y|x_1, x_2]p(x_2) \end{align}\]

Provided that a set of variables satisfying the backdoor criterion can be identified, a GCM allows a practitioner to predict interventional effects from purely observational data thereby addressing “what if” questions on the second rung of the ladder of causality. However, a GCM alone is still insufficient to answer “why” questions, which require counterfactual reasoning.

G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->X1 X2->Y
(a) Pre-Intervention
G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->Y
(b) Post-Intervention
Figure 3.3: Interventions Modify the Graphical Causal Model

In order to evaluate counterfactual scenarios associated with questions at the top of the ladder of causality, a structural causal model (SCM) is often required. Whereas a GCM only requires information about whether or not causal relationships between pairs of variables exist, a SCM requires the functional (e.g. mathematical) equations governing those relationships. Formally, a SCM It is comprised of four components: a set of exogenous “noise” variables \(U\) whose values are assumed to be determined outside of the SCM, a joint distribution \(P_U\) over these exogenous variables, a set of endogenous variables \(V\) whose values are determined by the SCM, and a set of functions \(F = \{f_1, f_2, ...\}\) where each \(f_i\) assigns values to variables in \(V\) based on the values of the other variables. Every SCM has an associated GCM whose nodes are the endogenous variables and the directed edges represent the causal relationships captured by the equations in \(F\). For simplicity, exogenous variables are typically omitted from the GCM. Every endogenous variable must be a descendent of at least one exogenous variable and exogenous variables cannot be descendants of any other variable. Therefore, each endogenous variable can be written as a function of its parents (denoted \(Pa(\cdot)\)) and the associated noise variable:

\[ X_i = f_i(Pa(X_i), U_i) \]

With this foundation, we can now see how model level questions at any level can be addressed using only the model (Figure 3.4). For simplicity, assume we have just two features \(X_1, X_2\) with associated noise terms \(U_1, U_2\). There are three endogenous variables \(V = \{Y, X_1, X_2\}\) representing the 2 features and the output of the model. Since we are interested in a model level explanation, every feature \(X_i\) has an edge pointing to \(\hat{Y}\) and no other edges between them. Therefore, \(f_1, f_2\) are functions of the noise terms only and \(f_{Y}\) is the model itself, which is deterministic and therefore has no additional noise term. The SCM is fully specified, so counterfactual questions can be addressed, which means that interventional and associative questions are also addressable.

G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->Y
(a) Model Level
G X1 X1 Y Y X1->Y X2 X2 X2->X1 X2->Y
(b) World Level
Figure 3.4: Levels of Explanation

Following a similar argument, we can also see how world-level explanations cannot always be addressed without additional information. Given the same setup as in the previous example, but with the edge \((X_2, X_1)\) (see Figure 3.4 (b)). We now have \(Pa(X_1) = \{X_2, U_1\}\), however, we have not specified a corresponding function \(f_1\) that includes both of these terms. Therefore, the SCM is under-specified and counterfactual questions cannot be addressed. However, interventional questions can be addressed because there exists a set of variables satisfying the backdoor criterion for estimating the two interventional quantities of interest: \(P(Y = y | do(X_1 = x_1))\) and \(P(Y = y | do(X_2 = x_2)\). For the first case, we condition on \(X_2\) to close the backdoor path \((X_1, X_2, Y)\). In the second case, no conditioning is required since the post-intervention graph is the same as the pre-intervention graph.

In this section, we reviewed the core components of Pearl-style causality, namely, the degree and type of causal information required to address questions on different rungs of the ladder of causality. We have also provided an initial preview of how these formalisms (GCMs and SCMs) are connected to the task of generating model explanations. For explanatory questions targeting world-level model explanations, the usual hierarchy of required causal information applies. However, for model-level explanations, the model itself is sufficient for generating explanations that can address questions at all rungs. Therefore, from a causal perspective, understanding the desired level of explanation is essential to understand whether any auxiliary causal information is required. We will return to these ideas in later sections, but first, some additional background on Shapley values is required.

3.2 Shapley Value

Game theory explores the strategic behavior and interactions between rational agents in the context of well-defined games. Cooperative game theory is a sub-field that focuses on games in which groups of players (coalitions) compete against other groups of players and receive a combined payout (gain), or alternatively, incur a total cost2. A cooperative game is defined by a set of players called the grand coalition \(\mathcal{C} = \{1, 2, ..., N\}\) and a value function3 \(v\), which specifies the real-valued payout every group of players \(S \subseteq \mathcal{C}\) receives when they cooperate. More formally, \(v\) is a set function \(v: \mathcal{P}(C) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) such that \(v(S) \in \mathcal{R}\) and where \(\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{C})\) denotes the power set of the grand coalition. Since the payout is received by the group, there is a further complication regarding how to fairly allocate the group’s winnings to individual players, referred to as the attribution problem.

The Shapley value (Shapley (1953)) is a solution concept from cooperative game theory that produces an allocation strategy for fairly distributing payoffs to each player in a coalition. It can be viewed as the marginal contribution of each player to the coalition, averaged over all possible orderings of the players. To build intuition for how this solves the attribution problem, consider the following example.

A factory employs three workers \((w_1, w_2, w_3)\), each of whom has agreed to be paid in proportional to their contribution to the factory’s widget output. Employees are required to work a fixed number of hours each week, but they are allowed to set their own schedules. The factory owner has decided to use Shapley values to set each employee’s wage and has collected data on factory output when different workers are present. In this scenario, the workers are the players in the game and the value function is captured by the hourly factory production for every combination of workers (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Worker Productivity
workers widgets/hour
\(\emptyset\) 0
\(w_1\) 5
\(w_2\) 5
\(w_3\) 5
\(w_1, w_2\) 8
\(w_1, w_3\) 10
\(w_2, w_3\) 6
\(w_1, w_2, w_3\) 12

The Shapley value for each worker is the number of additional widgets per hour (marginal contribution) produced when they arrive at the factory, averaged over all possible arrival orders. The marginal contribution of each worker \(i\) to a coalition \(S\) (columns 2-4 of Table 3.1) is the additional value generated when worker \(i\) arrives4.

\[ \Delta(i, S) = v(S \cup i) - v(S) \tag{3.1}\]

Let \(\Pi\) denote the set of all orderings of the players in \(C\). Given player \(i\) and a permutation \(\pi \in \Pi\), let \(S\) be the set of all players preceding player \(i\) in \(\pi\):

\[ S_{i, \pi} = \{j: \pi(j) < \pi(i)\} \] {# eq-arrival-order}

The Shapley value for player \(i\) can then be expressed as:

\[ \phi(i) = \frac{1}{N!} \sum_{\pi \in \Pi} \Delta(i, S_{i, \pi}) \tag{3.2}\]

The last row of Table 3.2 computes the Shapley value for each worker (denoted as \(\phi_i\)) using this formulation, which relies on the information in Table 3.1.

Table 3.2: Shapley Value by Worker
order \(\Delta(w_1)\) \(\Delta(w_2)\) \(\Delta(w_3)\)
\(w_1, w_2, w_3\) 5 3 4
\(w_1, w_3, w_2\) 5 2 5
\(w_2, w_1, w_3\) 3 5 4
\(w_2, w_3, w_1\) 6 5 1
\(w_3, w_1, w_2\) 5 2 5
\(w_3, w_2, w_1\) 6 1 5
Shapley Value \(\phi_1 = \frac{5+5+3+6+5+6}{6} = 5\) \(\phi_2 = \frac{3+2+5+5+2+1}{6} = 3\) \(\phi_3 = \frac{4+5+2+1+5+5}{6} = 4\)

The Shapley value can be expressed in an equivalent way based on the number of unique subsets of the grand coalition \(S \subseteq C\) and the number of permutations of \(C\) for which some ordering of players in \(S\) immediately precedes the \(i\)th player. The initial proof of the equivalence of these two formulations can be found in Shapley (1953) and is reproduced in an expanded fashion in Štrumbelj, Kononenko, and Robnik Šikonja (2009).

\[ \phi(i) = \frac{1}{N!} \sum_{S \subseteq C \backslash \{i\}} |S|!(N-|S| - 1)! \Delta(i, S) \tag{3.3}\]

One of the primary motivations for the use of the Shapley value is that it can be derived axiomatically. Given the following three axioms, the Shapley value not only solves the attribution problem, but can be shown to be the unique solution.

  1. Efficiency: The Shapley values for individual players sum up to the payout received by the grand coalition: \(\sum_{i \in C} \phi(i) = v(C) - v(\emptyset)\).
  2. Symmetry: If two players make equal contributions to all possible coalitions, then they should receive equal payouts. For players \(i\) and \(j\), if \(\Delta(i, S) = \Delta(j, S)\) for all subsets \(S \subset C\), then \(\phi(i) = \phi(j)\).
  3. Dummy/Nullity/Sensitivity: If a player’s marginal contribution to all coalitions is zero (e.g. they never increase the payout of any coalition), then they should receive zero payout. For any player \(i\), if \(\Delta(i, S) = 0\) for all \(S \subset N\), then \(\phi(i) = 0\).
  4. Linearity/Additivity: Given two games defined by value functions \(v\) and \(v'\), the Shapley value for each player in the combined game is the sum of the allocations in each individual game: \(\phi_{v' + v}(i) = \phi_v(i) + \phi_{v'}(i)\).

While this axiomatic grounding is both powerful and compelling, it is not factored into our human-centric evaluation framework and therefore plays a rather limited role in our discussion of Shapley-based model explanations. With the necessary background on Shapley values and Pearl-style causality in place, we are now in a position to examine the Shapley explanation literature using this proposed framework.

  1. There are certain cases where these dependencies do not hold, so it is more accurate to say that the variables are likely dependent. For the ease of exposition, we exclude this modifier.↩︎

  2. Other work use the terms coalitional game theory, and correspondingly, coalitional games↩︎

  3. Also referred to as a characteristic or contribution function↩︎

  4. There are different ways to indicate the relationship between \(i\), \(S\), and \(v\). For example, \(\Delta_v(i, S)\), \(\Delta_{i, S}(v)\), and $ _{i, S}$ are all used in the literature. However, since a cooperative game is partially defined by the value function, we choose to leave the dependence on \(v\) implicit in order to simplify the notation↩︎